Oct 16, 20191 min

Adidas launches 'Infinite Play' scheme, to resell or recycle old trainers and clothes

Adidas customers will soon be able to exchange worn or unused clothing for points as part of a new loyalty system, that will see unwanted products resold or recycled.

The initiative, dubbed Infinite Play, is part of the Circular Fashion Fast Forward project, which is run by the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWRB) and circular economy business consultants QSA Partners.

Under the scheme, customers will be able to use an app to trade in unwanted clothing, which will be collected for free to then be resold or recycled.

David Quass, director of business model innovation and brand partnerships at Adidas, said the project came in response to growing demand from customers.

"Our customers have an increased awareness of the impacts of their consumption and the challenges we face as a planet, and they're asking how they can make a difference," he said.

James Close, head of LWARB's circular London programme, said that in addition to bolstering customer loyalty for Adidas the project should deliver significant environmental gains.

"With 350,000 tonnes or £140m worth of clothing going into landfill in the UK every year, and £30bn worth sitting unloved at the back of our wardrobes, developments like this are good for business and critical for the environment," he said.

Report https://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/3082651/adidas-launches-trade-in-project