Coca Cola says:
Although we have only recently passed the one-year mark since launch of our World Without Waste program, we have made a great deal of progress towards implementing action for packaging design (100% recyclable packaging by 2025, 50% recycled material by 2030), collect (helping to collect a bottle or a can for every package we put in the marketplace by 2030) and partner (collaborating with others to drive towards a litter-free environment) pillars. Our business units continue to advance plans across the globe. We have recently published an update in the Washington Post, and we have more to come that we would love to share with you in a live meeting. The Washington Post content can be found at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/brand-studio/the-coca-cola-company/what-if-plastic-never-became-waste/. Ongoing progress updates will be published at: https://www.coca-colacompany.com/learn-more-about-sustainable-packaging.